Walk More Comfortably with Hyaluronic Acid in Bellaire
Are your feet constantly sore? When you wear heels, do the balls of your feet throb and ache? If so, your feet may benefit from extra layers of cushioning in some key areas. However, you may also suffer from undue areas of pressure in other areas of your feet, such as around the heel or around the bony prominences on the sides of the feet. We can also help you if you deal with foot pain from injury or disease. For example, if you have broken your foot in the past or have plantar fasciitis, we can cushion your feet to decrease discomfort and burning or tingling sensations. Another reason for needing relief from discomfort is that your foot pads have worn away due to age or injury, such as from repetitive strain to the feet. We can do this with simple, minimally-invasive treatments of Hyaluronic Acid at Sole Aesthetic in Bellaire.
How does Hyaluronic Acid Work?
While you may have heard of dermal fillers being used in the face to treat deep-set lines and wrinkles, they can also be used several other places throughout the body to create a fuller, more youthful look. Most surprisingly, though, we can use them in the feet to create more padding in uncomfortable areas. This is a temporary, minimally-invasive treatment, and you will need future treatments at our office in Bellaire to keep up with your good results.
Although some dermal fillers are made from collagen, the most popular dermal fillers these days are those that are made from hyaluronic acid. This is also a natural chemical that occurs in your body and that is known for drawing moisture to the area. Hyaluronic Acid is a filler that we like to use, and it is also a gel-like hyaluronic acid option that produces results two different ways. First, it immediately creates extra cushioning on the foot as the gel-like molecules fill in the uncomfortable sections. However, over the following weeks, further cushioning will occur as the HA molecules draw moisture from your own body into the area.

Make Walking More Comfortable
Once you have Hyaluronic Acid applied in our Bellaire office, you will find that walking becomes far more comfortable than it was. You should notice most, if not all, of your discomfort going away from your feet. If you want to experience pain-free feet and comfortable walking, get in touch with us at Sole Aesthetic in Bellaire sooner rather than later. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!

Contact us Today!
Make an appointment at Sole Aesthetic to learn more information about your options regarding hyaluronic acid treatment. Contact us today to book your consultation at our office in Bellaire, TX!